Relaxing Massage

Relaxing Massage
Tulsa Relaxing Massage

Relaxing Massage

Relaxation massage is a gentle Swedish massage that uses smooth, gliding strokes to help you relax without focusing on easing any muscle soreness or tension. 

Compared to therapeutic massages, the massage therapist will move at a slower pace and use lighter pressure.

In a relaxation massage, there is less emphasis on working out chronic underlying muscle tension—the adhesion’s or “knots” and muscle restrictions in the muscle tissue—because the goal of this type of massage is to let you drift away and feel good.

In a relaxation massage, the therapist won’t push your limits in order to get the muscle to release, and you might even fall asleep.

Due to the low pressure and relative universality of its calming effects, getting a relaxation massage is great for first-timers or those who want to get a special treat once a year.

Tulsa Relaxing Massage

How to Make Your Massage More Relaxing

There are several things you can do to make any massage more relaxing, but most importantly, you should get to the spa well ahead of your actual appointment to avoid any added stress and perhaps take in another relaxing activity beforehand.

If the spa has amenities that will help you relax, like hot tubs, saunas, or steam rooms, you should take advantage of them, and build in time to take a shower so that you can get cozy in your white robe while you wait for your name to be called.

If you enjoy music, bring headphones and something to read to keep your mind from wandering and stressing over other aspects of your day or life.

You should also avoid talking during a relaxation massage as it, too, keeps your mind active, inhibiting your ability to completely relax. Instead, you should focus on your breathing or on every movement of the therapists’ hands.